YJ Display Co., Ltd

Paper food packaging that stands out and has a unique value

Satisfy consumer appetites by investing in packaging — with a wow-factor. 


Maintain your competitive advantage by aligning your food packaging with your brand values, pushing the envelope of innovation, and creating a truly memorable customer experience that adds a little excitement into your customers’ everyday lives.

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Sustainable Packaging

Increasing knowledge and awareness of the climate change issue has catalyzed the green movement around the world.

How brands choose to package their food products should be a high priority for supporting the green agenda despite global struggles.


Brands need to consider the types of packaging their food products are in and how to reduce their carbon footprint.

When working with a packaging supplier they should ask: how were these packaging materials sourced? Was the process sustainable?

Eco-conscious consumers want to support brands that align with their own values and are willing to pay a premium to do so.

Therefore, marketers must consider how they can use plastic-free packaging and biodegradable packaging options to attract their target customers, all while ensuring the packaging continues to be functional and ensure the customer experience is intact.


Personalized Packaging

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Transparent Packaging



When designing toy packaging boxes, it’s important to think about what buyers like and what users need. This way, you can make the product look good and also be useful. Finding a balance between how it looks and how it works is important for getting customers interested.

Go with YJ Display at ricky at popjn.com for more packaging design for your product.


Post time: Mar-16-2024
To discuss your requirements, please contact us now.
Phone: +(00)86-755-21380510 | email: sales@popjn.com
YJ Display Co., Ltd

B1 Building,No.
4 Yangchong Road,Baoan District,
Shenzhen, 518127 PR.China.
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